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Labyrinth Walks — A Silent Walking Meditation

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At its core, a labyrinth is a metaphor for life that we can walk and contemplate. It is a symbol that creates a private, sacred space which leads us into its heart and then back out again along the same path. Although we can cross the lines at any time, we almost always feel compelled to follow the meandering path to the center and back again. There is no getting lost in the labyrinth. Rather, we are offered a path that weaves back and forth, in and out, until it ends in its center. Here we can pause to reflect on the successful journey to our center before departing as we came in, carrying back wisdom gained on the inbound journey.

Labyrinth walkers say that the certitude of the path, knowing all decisions about direction have already been made, frees them to focus on contemplation instead of navigation. Some call this prayer residing in faith while others refer to it as a deep, internal self-reflection. Whatever people call it, the practice has been used to nourish souls around the world for thousands of years.

If this interests you or if you have questions, please contact Tim Sullivan at: .