The Pax Christi Committee, which generally meets monthly, seeks to educate the community
on matters related to peace and justice issues including war, torture, the environmental
degradation of our world, and human rights and to bear witness to the hope of the gospel
by bringing prayerful attention and courageous, loving resistance to those things that
are disharmonious with God's Kin-dom. Outreach members reach out in service
and support to the local and global community, encouraging our parish community in these
efforts as well.
4/12/2025 — Pax Christi Annual Spring Retreat: "Hope for the Long Haul: Finding our place in poetic time"
Featured Speaker: Brad Wolf
Click here
to view the press release.
11/2/2024 — Pax Christi Assembly: "Cultivating Hope, Creating Joy – No Matter What"
Featured Speaker: Frida Berrigan
Click here
to view the recording.
1/27/2024 Building a world without nuclear weapons: An urgent imperative
Click here
to view the recording.
12/9/2023 Stopping the Genocide in Palestine: A Conversation with Craig Mokhiber
Click here
to view the recording.
10/28/2023 Pax Christi State Assembly / Rev. Kevin Peterson — Renaming Faneuil Hall: The Role of Public Theology
Click here
to view the recording.
2023 Israeli / Palentinian War — I Want No Vengance
Click here
to view the recording.
3/30/2023 — Pax Christi Promotional Video — Introducing Pax Christi Massachusetts
Click here
to see the recording.
8/9/2022 — Nagasaki — Remember, Repent and Restore
Click here
to see the recording.
8/5/2022, Friday — Archbishop Wester speaks at the Pax Christi National Convention
Click here
to see the recording.
12/4/2021, Saturday at 9:30am — Pax Christi 2021 State Assembly Meeting
Click here
To see recordings of the meeting on the Pax Christi Massachusetts YouTube channel.
4/28/2021 at 7:00 PM — Saint Susanna Pax Christi Committee and Saint Joseph parish in Needham
co-sponsored a zoom event "Facing Racism, Rooted in Faith" with Professor Jeannine Hill Fletcher.
Click here
to view the session.
4/20/2021 at 7:00 PM — Pax Christi screened the film "The Condor & The Eagle"
followed by an inspiring discussion on Indigenous leaders protecting the land!
Click here
for details.
4/17/2021, Saturday - The Pax Christi Committee held its Spring Retreat
The focus is "Building Emotional and Spiritual Resiliance" as we face climate change.
4/14/2021 Essential Facts on the Nuclear Ban Treaty into force on 1/22/21.
Click here
to view the document.
1/22/2021 The Pax Christi Committee produced a video "Nuclear Weapons Now Illegal".
This commemorates the U.N.'s "The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons" (TPNW) enacted on that day.
Click here
to see the video.
10/26/2020 at 7:00 pm Father John Dear addressed the themes presented in his newest book, “Praise Be Peace” in a Zoom session.
Click here
to see details of this event.
Massachusetts State Assembly 11/9/2019
On 11/9/2019 Pax Christi Massachusetts held our state assembly at Saint Susanna Parish in Dedham, MA.
Our keynote leader was Fr. Emmet Farrell, Director of the Creation Care Ministry for
the Diocese of San Diego.
Father Emmet referenced Pope Francis’ encyclical, “Laudato Si - On Care for Our Common Home” as well as multiple
video's and PowerPoint presentations. The materials that were presented on 11/9/2019 are all available by
clicking on the links below.
1-Canticle of Saint Francis
2-Thank You Pope Francis for Laudato Si
3-Truth In Ten - PowerPoint Presentation (No Audio)
4-Video Summary of Laudato Si
5-Study Guide to Laudato Si
6-Methodology for Creation Care Teams
7-Video - How to join the Creation Care Team in the San Diego Diocese
8-Video - Go Make A Difference
The photo below was taken at the Pax Christi State Assemply meeting on December 2nd, 2017
at Saint Susanna Parish in Dedham, MA
The locations and numbers on the wall of the manger reflect a small sampling of recent mass shootings in the US.
The quote "If only you knew the things that make for peace" is from Luke 19:42.
Regular activities of the Pax Christi Committee at Saint Susanna include the following:
Additional information is always available in the Peace Chapel.
All are welcome. Please contact Pat Ferrone at (781) 449-3890 or
The Pax Christi Group at Saint Susanna is a chapter of Pax Christi Massachusetts:
Pax Christi strives to create a world that reflects the Peace of Christ by exploring,
articulating, and witnessing to the call of Christian nonviolence. This work
begins in personal life and extends to communities of reflection and action to transform
structures of society. Pax Christi USA rejects war, preparations for war,
and every form of violence and domination. It advocates primacy of conscience,
economic and social justice, and respect for creation.